Apr 21, 2019
The final battle between Control and the USS Discovery & USS Enterprise takes place in an explosive season finale of Star Trek Discovery! Burnham and her team frantically work on getting the new Red Angel suit ready for a jump to the future while Captain Pike, Admiral Cornwell and the crew of the Enterprise work to keep Control from obtaining the sphere data once and for all.
Co-writer Michelle Paradise said this episode is 'bananas' and she was not kidding! This finale is filled with tension, excitement and sacrifice, while finally answering some of the questions fans have been asking since the start of the show! Will Control be victorious or will the crew of the Discovery escape to the future once and for all?
Join Trek Geeks Dan Davidson, Bill Smith and special guest Matty Clarkson as they discuss the season finale of Star Trek Discovery's second season "Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 2"
Music for Discovering Trek is provided by Five Year Mission. They’re writing one song for each episode of The Original Series and their brand new album, Year 4, is AVAILABLE NOW!
Find out more and download all their albums at FiveYearMission.net