Oct 24, 2017
The sixth episode of Star Trek: Discovery features Ambassador Sarek in distress! Join us for "Lethe" as we break down the episode with our dear friend, Hayley Stoddart!
We'll examine the developments for Lethe, give you predictions as to what we think could in future episodes, and tell you what...
Oct 15, 2017
The fifth episode of Star Trek: Discovery features the return of Harry Mudd! Join us for "Choose Your Pain" as we break down the episode with Ken Tripp from TrekFM's "Standard Orbit" and Jeff Hulit from The Tricorder Transmissions network of podcasts!
They'll join us to break down the plot, give you...
Oct 8, 2017
In the fourth episode of Discovering Trek, we’ll consider "The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry" with our guest: Rick Tetrault from the Simply Syndicated Network of Podcasts.
We’ll examine the plot, give you our predictions as to what we think could happen down the road, and see if we...
Oct 2, 2017
In the third episode of Discovering Trek, we’ll consider "Context Is for Kings" with our guests: Heather Barker from "Shore Leave" and "Disco Trek" on The Tricorder Transmissions Network of podcasts and Aaron Harvey from Trek.fm's "Saturday Morning Trek" and "The Edge!"
We’ll examine this first...